How to Show Saved Passwords In Chrome Browser
When you login to any website, after login you will get a prompt to save password. If you press "Save" button then your password will be stored in the chrome. That password you can retrieve later by following these simple steps.
Step 1:
Step 1:
Go to "Customize and control Google Chrome"
Step 2:
Go to "Settings"
Step 3:
Scroll Down And Click "Show Advance Settings "
Step 3:
Go to "passwords and forms" as shown in and Click on "Manage passwords"
Step 4:
You will see this Window Search here any user name or website you are looking for to view password
Step 5:
Once you found that Click on it then "Show" Button will appear as shown in Figure below... if your system account is protected then give it permission
Congratulates! Password Is shown
Step 2:
Go to "Settings"
Once you found that Click on it then "Show" Button will appear as shown in Figure below... if your system account is protected then give it permission
Congratulates! Password Is shown
How to Show Saved Passwords In Chrome Browser
Reviewed by Droid mechanic