The cute fur balls living in your home can be very choosey when it comes to eating. Like everything else they do, cats do throw tantrums while eating. Same delicacy everyday might become boring and they can go on a hunger strike. A cat often loses appetite if it does not likes it food. Switching cat food brands can be risky and hard on your budget. Hence, I have found four homemade best cat food recipes that are nutritious, delicious and economical at the same time. All you need is the will to cook and a heart filled with love for your fluff-ball.


Homemade cat food recipe number 1 is what I call the “Gut-Protector.”


Chicken/Beef Mince – 750 grams

Carrots – 150 grams

Pumpkin – 100 grams


Wash the mince thoroughly in plenty of water. Put the mince in a cooking pot and add ¾ water in the pan. Boil the mince until cooked. Meanwhile, wash and peel the vegetables. Cut the carrots and pumpkin into small cubes. In a separate pan, boil the vegetables for 10-15 minutes. Put the boiled carrots and pumpkin into a blender and blend them into a thick paste. Take it out in a separate container and let it settle. Once the mince is cooked, stain the stock into a separate container. Take out the mince in a large bowl and add the vegetable paste. Mix until the two are combined well. You can serve it as it is or add the stock for gravy if your cat likes juicy food. To make the food more nutritious, you may add cat supplement capsule powder in it.

The above mentioned homemade cat food recipe can be stored for months. It is best advisable to make fresh food every week or at least every month. Make sure to follow the exact meat to the vegetable proportion that is 75% meat and 25% vegetables, for a balanced diet. Decreasing the amount of meat or increasing the proportion of vegetables can deprive your cat of the essential and correct amount of nutrients.  

Nutritional Benefit:

Protein is a major portion of cat’s diet and a major source of nutrition for them as cats are carnivorous in nature. Cats derive all the major nutrients essential for them, like vitamins, taurine, arginine, and niacin, from meat.

Pumpkin provides essential fiber to your cat that will improve their digestive system and decrease the chances of constipation. Adding pumpkin to your fluffball's meal means adding Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and many other nutrients.

Carrots are a source of vital vitamins and minerals for your cat in addition to fiber.



Boneless Chicken - 750 grams

Brown Rice – 100 grams

Potatoes – 100 grams


Boil the chicken in a cooking pot until cooked. Stain the stock into a separate bowl and put the boiled chicken in a separate dish. Blend the chicken in a blender to mash it. You can also mash it in a mortar. Boil the rice and potatoes in separate containers until cooked. Peel off the potatoes and mash them as well as the rice. Add the mashed chicken, rice, and potatoes into a large bowl and mix until the three are combined well. Add the chicken stock to the delicacy to make gravy. Otherwise, can be served as it is.

The above mentioned homemade cat food recipe can be stored for a month.

Nutritional Value:

Both rice and potatoes are a source of fiber and carbohydrates for your cat. In addition, potatoes are a source of potassium, Vitamin B, and Vitamin C for your Feline Bestie. Rice is also very effective if your fur partner is suffering from diarrhea.   



Chicken Heart – 500 grams

Chicken Liver – 500 grams

Anise Seeds – 2 pinches

Turmeric- 1 pinch


Wash the chicken liver and heart thoroughly and remove all blood clots. Cut the chicken’s heart and liver into small pieces, preferably a bite-sized piece. To make the cutting easier, you can freeze the heart and liver for half an hour. Put the pieces into a large cooking pot and add ¾ water to the pot. Add two pinches of Anise Seed and a pinch of Turmeric and let it boil until cooked. Stain the stock into a separate bowl. The cooked liver and heart can be served as it is or stock can be added to make gravy. This recipe is best to be used as a kitten food. It can be served once a day. It is best to serve this feast to your cats in winters but it can be used in summers as well.

The above mentioned homemade cat food recipe can be stored for a week.

Nutritional Value:

Chicken liver and heart is a major source of protein and essential nutrients for your cat.

Anise seed has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and are good for your cat’s tiny stomach.

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties and is good for your cat’s heart.



Fish (Any Kind) – 800 grams


Take any kind of fish, preferably Tuna, Salmon, Eel sea fish, or Sardines. Clean the fish thoroughly and remove all the bones. Put the fish meat in a large cooking pot and fill it with water until half-filled. Boil the meat until cooked. Separate the cooked fish meat from the stock and place it in a dish. Check the meat for any remaining fish bones before serving it to your cat.

The above mentioned homemade cat food recipe can be stored for a month.  

Nutritional Value:

In addition to being a source of protein, fish meat contains Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6. Fish meat is highly nutritious for your feline friend, especially in winters. It strengthens their heart and improves their eyesight. Moreover, it is beneficial for your cat’s skin and fur.


Treat and spoil your feline partner with these amazing homemade cat food recipes and a few extra pets. Bon Appetit!